Friday, January 2, 2015

Summary 2014

Happy New Year!

New year and new tricks. So without further introduction here is my performance report for 2014.


December dividend total was $92,15 and my 4th (Q4) quarter total is: $294,88 almost 100 bucks a month! so nice!

My full year dividends of 2014: $1,252.44  also completing my goal to reach $1200 dividend income for year 2014. One of my goals were to own 15 or more different stocks. This one I missed by one since my portfolio now contains 14 different companies. It is not so important as reaching my dividend income goal. Also my weight loss goal was close.  But I was able to lose few kg.

Here is complete list of my dividend income:

Also one of my goals were to save and average of 1000€ a moth and use that to purchase more stocks. On 2014 my total deposits were €12643 an average of €1053,58 month. Rely nice that I was able to reach this one. This year I hope to get few Euros more.


I did make some buys and sells in 2014 and I did actually pretty good. Here are my trades:
List does not include trading fees. It's around $200 +/-

I did make some mistakes there, but I hope that I can learn from those.

So there was my year! How about yours? any good? 

thanks for reading.


  1. Always love reading about dividend income updates from other bloggers. You have a nice total for 2014 exceeding $1200. While I see many common names in your list above and my portfolio you also have many names that I never heard of which is why I love reading other dividend blogs especially outside the U.S. Thanks for sharing and look forward to a strong 2015.

    1. Hey DivHut
      Thanks for yet another comment.
      You have a strong 2015 too!

  2. Thanks for sharing!
    Nice done.

    Best Luck!

  3. P.S. Lisäsin sinut blogiseurantaani.
